We have many testimonies from past ministry, many from other countries but we want to start this with the testimonies of those who have received since we started doing videos. I will use first names only: 1)Donna asked for prayer concerning her lost children. Not many days after we started praying two of the three accepted Christ and are going to church. Still praying for the other son and whole family. ​ Michelle Praise His Holy name I would love to share the miracle I received from our mighty God!!! Our Jehovah Rapha is our healer. In Nov of 2021 I was cooking dinner and I heard put your wooden spoon down and the next thing I know my right hand was on my left breast. I felt a lump a large lump. I cried out Abba Father help me. Too make a long story short it was confirmed by a biopsy that I had breast cancer stage 2. My husband and I met with the surgeon, and he wanted to do a mastectomy, but I heard Jesus say to me this Dr. is not of me he is not for me. I knew God was ordering every step. The Lord spoke so clearly to me that I was in God's hiding place I was protected. Two weeks later in the early morning around 530 am my husband had just left for work and I was in our bedroom folding laundry on the bed and talking to God in the dark with just a little closet light on and to my right side I heard like thunder but yet a gentle tender voice say, "It was my hand that was laid on you to heal you" and to my right side the bedroom light up with the most glorious warm golden light. I feel onto the bed and wept. I knew at that very moment I had just encountered a divine visit from my healer my Jesus. This was just the beginning of what God did. My cancer was gone. I knew my testimony over the last two years was to give hope to know our Jesus is STILL our miracle worker. My testimony is for everyone. God is no respecter of persons. Romans 2:11 What my mighty God did for me He can do for you I know this will be a blessing to someone I hope and pray this encourages someone's heart. God Bless your ministry. I knew when you said is there someone who would like to give their testimony, I knew this was a divine appointment to share the grace and mercy and miracle of Our Lord Jesus Christ Praise His Holy name. I would love to share the miracle I received from our mighty God!!! Our Jehovah Rapha is our healer. Praise His Holy name I would love to share the miracle I received from our mighty God!!! Our Jehovah Rapha is our healer. Permission given on Dec. 4 2023 video, Waves of HIS LOVE descending